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Séminaire LMC2 (présentiel - La Doua) : Mechanical characterization and impact strength of new VHPFRC

Le 21 juin 2023

Amphi 2, IUT Lyon1 - Département de Génie Civil, 84, boulevard Niels Bohr, Villeurbanne

Langue / language:
the presentation will be in English

Présenté par : FRANCESCO MICELLI, PhD , University of Salento (Lecce - Italy)

Francesco MICELLI, PhD
University of Salento (Lecce - Italy)

Résumé au format pdf

In past recent years, High-Performance Fiber Reinforced Concretes (HPFRC) have been studied by researchers for applications in the construction industry. Due to the characteristics of the different mixes, these materials appear to fulfill a large wide of structural requirements in concrete applications. Different authors have investigated the behavior of such materials, by observing that the contribution of fibers may strongly increase the mechanical properties of the plain concrete and in particular its toughness and strain retention in a cracked stage. Strength against impact loads is one of the structural performances that can be increased by adding short fibers in concrete and addressing a proper mix design. The seminar will illustrate a research study on a Very High-Performance Concrete (VHPC) reinforced with Synthetic Fibers with Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC) features. A possible application of the studied materials is referred to panel elements used as building façade or precast roof for industrial plants. A special concrete mix has been studied, thus the compressive strength had a target of about 110 MPa after 28 days. Three different VHPFRC were realized: one with the addition of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) mesofibers only, the other with polypropylene (PP) macrofibers only and the last one with a mixed combination of these two types of fibers. These mixes, after material characterization, have been used to cast thin square panels that were tested under impact load. The experimental tests were used to validate a numerical procedure for the prediction of the behavior under impact loads. The same tests have been simulated with a finite element analysis program (ABAQUS) in which the mechanical properties of the mixtures were implemented.