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Séminaire LMFA (présentiel - ECL) : Modelling and Computation of Interfaces in Turbulent Multiphase Flows
Le 9 mai 2022
ECL, bât. W1, 2ème étage, Amphi 201
Langue / language: the presentation will be in English
Langue / language: the presentation will be in English
Présenté par : Alfredo Soldati, Institute of Fluid Mechanics & Heat Transfer, TU Wien (Austria)
Présenté par : Alfredo Soldati
Institute of Fluid Mechanics & Heat Transfer, TU Wien (Austria)
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In this talk, we will briefly review the current computational methodologies used to interfaces and the we will focus on the phase-field approach in turbulent flows : In this Eulerian approch, the phase distribution is described by the order parameter φ. We will examine several flow instances and phenomena ranging from turbulent stratified flows to turbulent dispersion of drops and bubbles so to reveal potentials and limitations of the phase-field method. Interface interactions with turbulence, coalescence and breakup phenomena for different values of fluids density and viscosity will be discussed in connection with the characteristics of turbulence. Finally, the physics modelling and the method required to include the effect of surfactants will also be examined.