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Séminaire LMFA (présentiel - ECL) : Urban air quality : the effect of trees and where to best reduce emissions

Le 4 mars 2022

ECL, bât. W1, Amphi 3

Langue / language: the presentation will be in English

Présenté par : Maarten van Reeuwijk, Imperial College, London

Présenté par : Maarten van Reeuwijk
Imperial College, London

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In the first part of this seminar I will discuss how trees affect urban air quality using our large-eddy simulation code uDALES which for which a tree model was developed recently that models drag, evaporation, shading and deposition. I will discuss differences in air quality with and without trees and discuss the effect of atmospheric stability. A conceptual model is formulated which demonstrates whether trees can be expected to improve or deteriorate air quality. In the second part I will discuss methods that provide insight on where one should reduce emissions in order to achieve the highest possible exposure reduction. This is a complicated question as streets are typically arranged in complex networks through which pollution is exchanged.