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Colloque / Séminaire

Séminaire LMFA - Thin Layer Turbulence

Le 20 septembre 2019

salle 102, bât. W1, École Centrale de Lyon, Écully

Langue / language: the presentation will be in English

Présenté par : Alexandros Alexakis Laboratoire de Physique de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure

Alexandros Alexakis
Laboratoire de Physique de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure

Résumé au format pdf

Turbulence in thin layer constitutes a prototype
model of a flow that is able to cascade energy to
both large and small scales. Its simplicity allows
for an extensive investigation for different layer thickness from thick layers where all energy cascades forward to thin layers that all energy cascades inversely. In this talk I will review some recent results that demonstrate a variety of new phenomena that appear as the layer thickness is varied that include : split cascades, condensate formation, on-off intermittency, super-critical and sub-critical transitions. I will try to describe our present state of understanding of these phenomena and the many questions that are left open.