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Séminaire organisé par le laboratoire CITI, relayé par le LVA (présentiel - La Doua) : “Human-Centered” Archaeoacoustics: Acoustics and Auditory Science in Archaeometric Research

Le 16 novembre 2021

Amphi Chappe, bât. Claude Chappe, INSA

Langue / language:
the presentation will be in English

Présenté par : Dr. Miriam Kolar, Adjunct professor at Stanford University

Dr. Miriam Kolar
Adjunct professor at Stanford University

Résumé + biographie de l'orateur, au format pdf

Despite over 125 years of modern room acoustics, spatial acoustics has only recently been applied in archaeological research. Likewise, musical instrument acoustics remains a growing but infrequent archaeometric approach. Auditory science is even less frequently incorporated. Since 2008, Miriam Kolar has led archaeoacoustics fieldwork and instrument performance studies at the 3,000-year-old UNESCO World Heritage Centre archaeological complex Chavín de Huántar, Perú, with a second Andean project about sound as an Inca administrative tool. In this presentation, Dr. Kolar will share case-study examples from her work in developing methodologies for “human-centered” archaeometric research, relating acoustics to human experience and social behavior in ancient contexts. Acoustical and psychoacoustical experiments in archaeological settings and with artifact sound-producing instruments enable data-driven reconstructions of heritage sites and instruments in use. Physics-based evaluations of human sensory perspectives support the ecological validity of heritage acoustics, opening a new technological frontier for cultural heritage research, preservation, and knowledge.