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Séminaire LMC2 - Structural rehabilitation by “fiber reinforced polymers-confinement”: past research and current trends

Le 19 septembre 2019

Salle 209, IUT Lyon1 - Département de Génie Civil, Site de la Doua, 84, boulevard Niels Bohr, Villeurbanne

Langue / language: the presentation will be in English

Francesco Micelli, PhD , University of Salento (Lecce - Italy)

Francesco Micelli, PhD , University of Salento (Lecce - Italy)

Résumé au format pdf

The use of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites has experienced a fast increase in civil engineering applications during the last two decades, thanks to the high mechanical and low-density properties of such materials. Columns externally confined with FRP sheets have been widely investigated for their use in structural rehabilitation and seismic strengthening of civil and historical buildings.
Confinement forces able to limit the lateral expansion of compressed solids have been used for centuries in order to increase the strength of elements subject to axial forces. In the case of stone or concrete columns, hooping has the function of limiting the lateral expansion effect due to the vertical loads. In the past confinement was implemented by means of transversal metallic devices, nowadays externally bonded composite reinforcement can be used, which may envelop the entire height of the column.
When a FRP-confined column is subject to axial compression, it tends to expand laterally, and this dilation is countered by the FRP reinforcement, which provides a confining pressure (passive confinement). Possible damage occurs when the composite material fractures due to the tensile stresses arisen in the circumferential direction. Based on this simple principle a large number of studies provided new information about the innovative methods for FRP-confinement of existing columns.
The seminar will present the evolution of the research activities led at the University of Salento from 1999, and the current trends in the field. Confinement of masonry and concrete columns was studied through experimental and analytical methods. Hollow core columns were investigated in addition to full-core ones. The effects of FRP-confinement were studied on both masonry and concrete columns. Active confinement by using Shape Memory Alloys (SMA) was also experienced, as same as new confinement methods that avoid bonding to the column surface. Recent applications in the field will also be shown and discussed.